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Why donate

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A direct impact on the community

Since 1991, the Banque alimentaire Memphrémagog has been a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide food assistance to residents of the Memphrémagog MRC who are in need, in order to help improve their living conditions. All BAM activities are based on these values: respect, integrity, efficiency and altruism.

1. Direct impact on the community

Feeding ourselves is a basic need, and healthy eating is not within everyone's reach, creating many issues of stress, isolation, child development and more.

2. Increase in demand

Considerable inflation puts even more people at risk of food insecurity. A 35% increase was observed in requests for food aid at BAM between 2021 and 2022 (2131 vs. 3261 food assistances).

3. « Départ Canon » program

Monetary donations enable us to buy diapers, milk (formula or not), fresh fruits and vegetables, and eggs for families with children aged 0 to 5 in precarious financial situations.

4. Contribution to our mission

To offer food aid to residents of the Memphrémagog MRC who are in need, in order to help improve their living conditions.

5. Shared values

Respect, integrity, efficiency and altruism guide our actions and those of our partners. These shared values enable us to be more efficient and effective in helping our beneficiaries.

6. Distribution of donations

Every donation, whether monetary or in the form of food products, is put to the best possible use to help as many people as possible, according to their individual needs.

A hand that feeds local people

We serve 17 municipalities spread over more than 1,300 square km and we need you!