The Food Bank asks for a clear commitment from the candidates. | Banque Alimentaire Memphrémagog Skip to main content
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October 5, 2021

The Food Bank asks for a clear commitment from the candidates.

ELECTIONS. The staff of the Memphrémagog Food Bank (BAM) wants to take advantage of the current municipal election campaign to encourage candidates to make a formal commitment to combat food insecurity, which affects nearly 4,000 citizens throughout the Memphrémagog MRC.

Over the next few days, all mayoral and aldermanic candidates - even those elected by acclamation - should receive a letter from BAM inviting them to take concrete steps to support the organization.

One of these is to get the municipality to become a member of BAM, and above all, to vote for an annual commitment equivalent to one dollar per citizen for the next four years.

The Food Bank and other organizations dedicated to food security could thus benefit from approximately $50,000 a year, if all municipalities contribute to this form of support.

"People often have an image where there's a lot of wealth in the Memphrémagog MRC, which is true. But there are also many places where poverty is present, and that's perhaps a lesser-known reality," suggests BAM president Michel Morisset.

"The problem of food insecurity has increased recently due to several factors, including the pandemic. We're also seeing an increase in the budget allocated to housing and transportation, which leaves much less for food," adds Mr. Morisset, inviting municipalities to increase the number of community fridges across the territory.

Over the course of the 2020-2021 year, the Memphrémagog Food Bank offered assistance to 700 families and 1,200 individuals, while supplying products to some 20 other organizations such as schools.

By the end of 2021, she will be coordinating the annual distribution of Christmas Baskets (around 900) with the help of various local organizations throughout the MRC.

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