The family counter remains generous, despite the pandemic | Banque Alimentaire Memphrémagog Skip to main content
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December 23, 2020

The family counter remains generous, despite the pandemic

Long months of closure and sanitary constraints didn't stop the Comptoir familial de Magog from being generous to several community organizations once again this year.

For its traditional pre-holiday donation drive, the Lasalle Street organization distributed no less than $23,000 to seven organizations, including $5,000 each to the Food Bank and Accueil Notre-Dame.

Maison de la famille Memphrémagog, Villa Pierrot and center de pédiatrie Le Tandem each receive $3,500, while Cœur sur la main and Corporation jeunesse Memphrémagog get $2,000 and $500 respectively.

All these amounts, it should be remembered, come from profits made from the sale of used items over the past 12 months.

For the whole of 2020, a total of $42,000 was redistributed throughout the community to support various causes. "It's only half of our 2019 total ($85,000), but we worked very hard to raise it all. The five-month shutdown and the restrictions imposed during the reopening really complicated our task," admits Comptoir familial president Pierre Côté.

Reopened on August 2, the Magog counter can accommodate no more than 15 customers at a time, and must limit shopping to 20 minutes per person. "People can't try on the merchandise, because it has to move around the store. Sometimes there can be up to an hour's wait outside. With winter just around the corner, it won't be easy for customers," says Mr. Côté.

Please note that the Comptoir familial will be closed from December 24 to January 12 inclusive. The clothing and other items depot will remain open throughout the holiday season.